1. Speaker Approval - Some diocese require approval before promotion can begin. If you require a letter of good standing or proof of safe environment training, please let us know ASAP. My priest Fr. Peter Harmon, writes these and one can be requested by contacting his secretary, Peggy Clough (pclough@stanthony.com). The phone number for my home parish (St. Anthony of Padua in Effingham, IL) is 217.347.7129. Michael’s safe Environment Certificate is available here.

  2. Details - Confirm date, time, and location (building) of concert. Email Michelle this information michelle@michaeljamesmette.com.

  3. School - If you have a Catholic school, MJM7 can perform for the school as long as the two concerts are done in the same location and require just one set up. We typically recommend a donation of $2 per student.

  4. Street Team - Choose at least 3 people to help you out in planning the concert. Tasks can be divided into: Promotion, Hospitality, and Event Logistics.

    1. Show the committee the promo video

    2. Share with them the promo, hospitality, and concert webpages

    3. Share with them Michael and Michelle’s contact info

    4. Assign tasks as needed

  5. Collaborate - Personally invite the leaders of other church groups (Men's Prayer Group, Mom's Group, Youth Ministry, Religious Education, Music Ministry, etc). Check the calendar and see if anything is scheduled at the same time. Ask groups if they are willing to join the event in leiu of meeting that night. Ask groups to help with the event in any way, by providing cookies, moving chairs, etc. All of these things build buy-in from the group.

  6. Print promotion - about 3 weeks prior to the concert, you should receive some posters and flyers in the mail.

    1. Posters - The posters are easily customized by printing clear sticker labels with the date and time. Here is a template, If you prefer to print a custom flyer, at the bottom of this page, you will find full -resolution posters and pictures. Please download these and add text containing the time and location at your parish. Post full-color posters for the doors of the church and other bulletin boards.

    2. Bulletin - Announce the concert in the bulletin for 4 weeks prior and from the pulpit announcements 2 weeks prior.

      • Here is a sample newsletter / bulletin announcement :

        Join us on (date) for a concert featuring MJM7. MJM7 is a Catholic family band comprised of Michael James Mette and his children: Charity (16), and Cecilia (15) and MJ (13). The Mette's gifts of music, joy, & family life offer the boldness and innocence of youth with the wisdom and depth of lived experiences.  The events fall somewhere between a rock concert and a parish mission, with vibrant lights, powerful music, faith sharing, and an invitation to prayer. The music is uplifting without being preachy, creating an environment that is engaging without being confrontational. The concert empowers all ages to pray more fully and worship more freely. Bring a friend! You won’t want to miss this this unique event. The concert is free, donations are accepted.

    3. Flyers - Feel free to make copies of these flyers. We encourage you to use them at the ends of the pew as a hand-out, insert them into your parish bulletin, or send with home in school students’ backpacks.

  7. Social Media -

    1. Facebook -Please set up an facebook event using your groups account. Then “like” MJM7 and add them as a co-host for the event. This will allow us to add videos and boost the event for promotion. Encourage people to “like and share.” The more it is liked and shared, the more the algorithm will present the event to new people.

    2. E-mail - If your parish uses other media managers like flock notes, constant contact, or myParish app please plan a campaign using those.

    3. School - Please send info to the school newsletter.

    4. Other - If your parish uses instagram, youtube, etc. share accordingly.

  8. Personal Invitation - We have seen a significant increase in attendance in parishes where Michael gives a personal invitation. If your concert is scheduled on a weekend, then Michael can play a communion meditation at each Mass and personally invite the congregation to the concert (this is brief, under 60 seconds). It is helpful for our ministry if we can also be allowed to sell our CDs and other merchandise after these Masses. This takes a little communication with Father and the music minister but is well worth it.

  9. Radio - Almost every radio station has a community calendar that will announce the time and location of any local event. Michael has is happy to call in for a radio interview if the station is agreeable. This is more common on Catholic stations.

  10. Think outside the church - Do you have a good relationship with other churches in the area? Can you announce in their bulletins? Do ministries ever collaborate together? Ask the leaders to commit to bringing a group of people. Put posters on local bulletin boards at library, gas stations, laundry mats, banks, etc. Encourage people to bring a friend.

MJM7 Band Image

Photo Credit: Cori Nations Photography

MJM7 Poster Blank

Add a text box over the blue section to include details before printing. Font is Helvetica.

Photo Credit: Cori Nations Photography

MJM7 Poster #1

Photo Credit: Cori Nations Photography

After Printing, use a marker to write in details.

Flyer Template - Editable

Use the link edit this Flyer in Canva. This will require you to log in, but it is free to use.

Photo Credit: Cori Nations Photography


Poster #2

Photo Credits: Cori Nations Photography

MJM7 Band Social Media

Photo Credit Cori Nations Photography

MJM7 Band

Photo Credit: Cori Nations Photography

MJM7 Band

Photo Credit: Bill Regan